On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 8:44 PM, Etaoin Shrdlu <shr...@unlimitedmail.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Jul 2010 20:35:43 +0100 Jorge Almeida <jjalme...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> How can I prevent bash of blinking when running "ls -l" on a directory
>> with broken links? The thing gets in the way, and it is really
>> unbearable if a directory contains lots of broken links. I didn't
>> manage to google my way around this problem. Maybe some other package
>> has to be reconfigured...
> Look into /etc/DIR_COLORS
> According to these codes:
> # Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init
> # string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
> # Attribute codes:
> # 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
> # Text color codes:
> # 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
> # Background color codes:
> # 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
> I have
> ORPHAN 01;05;37;41  # orphaned syminks
> MISSING 01;05;37;41 # ... and the files they point to
> So you probably want to change the 05 into something else or remove it.
> Just experiment and to test it do
> eval `dircolors -b /etc/DIR_COLORS`
Thank you _a lot_

The nightmare is over!


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