On Wednesday 14 July 2010 21:25:10 Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Wednesday 14 July 2010 18:29:58 Mick wrote:

> akonadi is attempting to update your database structure when it starts.
> This accounts for any long start-up times you are experiencing. You should
> try access the db manually (with akonadi and kmail both dead) and attempt
> the update. Investigate and see why it doesn't work. It's 100% bog
> standard sql

I am almost sure that this was not the case with KDE-4.3 or if it was, then 
this update did not take longer than a second.

> [akonadiserver] Database "/home/michael/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi.db"
> opened using driver "QSQLITE"
>                      ^^^^^^^
> akonadi docs specifically recommend you do not use sqlite. It just is not
> up to the job. I think you should just delete this database, start akonadi
> and kmail and let it rebuild all the stuff it wants. This implies and lot
> of starting over on your behalf.

Yes, SQLITE is not recommended, however it worked alright up until now.

Thanks for the suggestion, I will mv the db and try starting it again.  How 
does one start akonadi?  It's no longer listed in systemsettings in KDE-4.4.

> [akonadiserver] Database "/home/michael/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi.db"
> opened using driver "QSQLITE"
> [akonadiserver] QDBusConnectionPrivate::connectSignal: received error from
> D- Bus server while connecting signal to
> QDBusConnectionInterface::NameOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString):
> org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoMemory (Not enough memory)
>                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Oops......

What does that mean?  Why did it run out of memory - there's still plenty of 

> Couldn't remove lockfile
> "/var/tmp/kdecache-michael/kpc/kde-icon-cache.lock"
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Does this file exist?

No, that's what got me confused and I had to ask here for suggestions.  Why 
would it be trying to access a lockfile which is not there?

> I must be honest that on the whole I'm left with an overwhelming feeling
> that you simply did not bother to read the errors.
> This is a bad habit for a gentoo user. Very bad indeed.

Alan, thank you for your help.  I did read the errors although somewhat in a 

I couldn't find the lock file akonadi referred to and I couldn't understand 
why it was trying to access a file that was not there.  I thought of blowing 
the db and starting KDE or kmail, but just to be sure I asked here first.  I 
didn't want to risk losing access to my mail or address book.

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