On Saturday 17 July 2010 22:17:32 Stéphane Guedon wrote:
> > See how fantastic this is? See how this conforms to The One True (Unix)
> > Way?
> >
> > 
> >
> > See how it looks nothing like XML (invented by a Windows user,
> > obviously), and actually looks a lot like perl with regexes?
> >
> > 
> >
> > On second thoughts, it looks nothing like perl. There aren't enough $, @
> > and % symbols in it. But the regex bit stands.
> >
> > 
> >
> > :-)
> Thind this un-understandable !

It's a joke, and it's been going on for a *very* long time :-)

Every time someone mentions hal, and it doesn't matter what it's about, either 
me or Neil will usually post and and tell Dale now is his chance to tell us 
about hal. We've done this about 100 times by now so nothing Dale says
is new :-) And everyone else usually joins in the fun.

Sometimes, just for fun, we'll turn the hal joke into something against perl, 
or python or anything else really.

If you don't get the joke, you can ignore everything that happened after the 
first person mentioned "Dale"

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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