On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 2:05 AM, Bill Longman <bill.long...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I mean to say that the profile sets the *global* USE settings. If you
> were to compare "euse -i" between the two machines, you would see that
> some flags are "+D" and some are "+C", for instance. The ones that are
> set by the profile are "+D". If you peruse the portage/profiles you'll
> see that the make.defaults files are setting different USE values. Not
> to mention that you are on different architectures between the two, so
> some packages will be masked and some not depending upon the
> architecture. It's not a matter of how eix was built, it's a matter of
> the configuration of the host.
> Is that what you were trying to resolve? Or do I not understand your
> question? Can you put a package mask in just *any* file below
> package.keywords/ and as long as it matches it will be valid?

I'm sorry, I think I wasn't very good at describing the problem.

Let's say there is a package foo. Foo is keyworded, so if I try
building it on either machine, portage complains saying it's masked.

Now I unkeyword foo on both machines by adding it to
/etc/portage/package.keywords/foo.keywords. When I run emerge on both
machines portage will no longer complain and will build the keyworded
package as intended. All's well.

However, on one machine, eix reports that I have unkeyworded the
package foo by printing parens around the keyword marker ~. On the
other machine, eix does not report it. That is, the package is being
effectively unmasked for emerge, but eix is not reporting the
unmasking to me. So that's why I think it's either an eix
configuration issue, or when you mentioned profile, checked the eix
use flags. So my question was "what could I be missing in eix?" but if
I'm wrong and it's not an eix thing then I'll happily take any

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