On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 9:12 AM, Kyle Bader <kyle.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >> >  * Starting apache2 ...
> >> > (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
> >> >
> >> > no listening sockets available, shutting down
> >> > Unable to open
> >> > logs
> [
> Strace will probably reveal which log file can't be opened, something
> like this will probably do the trick:
> strace /path/to/apache2 -D <module list> -d /path/to/apache2dir
> It took some bash tracing to fill out that  command,  but once that was
done, it was obvious that the server was doing exactly what
had been suggested above: trying to listen (bind(2) call) on as
well as my.host:80.

I had not touched my configs in ages, so I guess some default snuck in there
somehow; I suspect something to do with virtual hosts (which I do not need),
but it was easy to find and fix.  Now it comes up and serves my pages.

However, my configs contain a few ScriptAlias directories, which are full of
python programs.  They are not being executed, but
served up in source code form, even though they have an initial shebang and
remain executable by all.  So there must be some new thing to do besides
defining a ScriptAlias directory.  Anybody know what it is?

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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