Adam Carter <adamcarter3 <at>> writes:

> Ever since my upgrade to kde-4.4.5 my seamonkey windows
> sporadically go black, when I move the mouse away from
> them. Both the Web browser and the mail client do this
> sporadically. Headers, toolbars and where the text appears
> all sporadically get into the act. 

> Interesting - sounds similar to what i get - see my thread "Some corruption
after gnome 2.30". I rebuilt world and still have the problem. So perhaps.there
is something lower level than gnome/kde that causes this issue.

Yep, maybe you are on to something. I rebuilt seamonkey and
gnome-extra/evolution-data-server and still it croaks.

I rebuild 'system' tonight and see if that helps. I have not
sync'd and updated in 5 days, so I do that too. Let you know 
what I find. Since I run kde, it must be deep below the gnome
or kde level.....?

Here are my seamonkey flags:
alsa chatzilla composer crypt cups dbus java ldap mailclient roaming 
startup-notification  -custom-optimization -gnome -system-sqlite


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