I have xchat installed.  An update is failing to install with error:

libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/lib/libpng12.la' or unhandled 
argument `/usr/lib/libpng12.la'

libpng is installed:

/usr/lib$eix libpng
[I] media-libs/libpng
     Available versions:  
        (1.2)   1.2.44
        (0)     1.4.3
     Installed versions:  1.2.44(1.2)(06:16:49 PM 07/01/2010) 1.4.3(06:15:21 
PM 07/01/2010)

Checking the lib directory, I find:

/usr/lib/$ls libpng*
libpng12.so.0  libpng14.a  libpng14.la  libpng14.so  libpng14.so.14  
libpng14.so.14.3.0  libpng.a  libpng.la  libpng.so

Any suggestions on how I go about fixing this?

"To generalize is to be an idiot. To particularize is alone the distinction of 
merit - general knowledges are those knowledges that idiots possess." - 
William Blake

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