A friend recently gave me a SimpleTech Zeus 8GB SSD. I'd like to replace my hard drive with this SSD for the lower latency and faster access times it will provide.

Currently my / partition is 24GB, 20GB of which is in use. Using xdiskusage I see that /usr/portage and /var/tmp are using approximately 10GB, which is well over the 7.5GB I have on the SSD.

So, I'm wondering what suggestions the list has for squeezing Gentoo onto an SSD. I have another Gentoo box I could put /usr/portage on to save myself some room on the SSD.

Aside from NFS mounting the package source and build directories, is there anything else I can do to minimize the space needed? I'm not running anything terribly fancy. I have DR17/enlightenment and XFCE installed as window managers; along with some productivity applications.

Thanks for your feedback,
Hal Martin

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