----- Original Message ----

> Joshua Murphy wrote:
> > Well, glancing at the GET request it's making  there, as well as the
> > API google points me to when I look it  up...
> >
> >  http://developer.yahoo.com/messenger/guide/ch03s02.html#d4e4628
> >
> >  You're right that it's after an image from their profile, but the
> > cause  of the failure appears to be related to some sort of credentials
> > Yahoo  wants the messenger to provide. You might poke Kopete's
> > bugtracker to  see if they've a related bug on file already, and if
> > they don't, throw  one their way.
> >
> > The API Yahoo appears to be using there (based on  a response I got
> > back in poking lightly) is, or is based on, OAuth,  which according to
> > this:
> >
> >  http://oauth.net/core/1.0/#http_codes
> >
> > specifies that a request  should give a 401 response (Authorization
> > Required vs Unauthorized is  purely the choice of phrase used in the
> > program decoding the numerical  code, i.e. wireshark in your example of
> > it there) in the following  cases:
> >
> > HTTP 401 Unauthorized
> >    * Invalid  Consumer Key
> >    * Invalid / expired Token
> >     * Invalid signature
> >    * Invalid / used nonce
> >
> >  Yahoo, essentially, *does* give a "bugger off"!! with that response,
> > but  Kopete simply takes it, considers it a brief instant, then decides
> >  "Maybe the answer will change if I try again *now*!"... at which point
> >  it proceeds to introduce its proverbial cranium to the proverbial
> > brick  and mortar vertical surface one might term "the wall."
> >  Repeatedly.
> >
> >    
> I was sort of figuring that it  was trying to get something and Yahoo 
> wasn't liking it.  At least now  we know for sure.
> I went to bug.kde and searched but I didn't see  anything.  Of course, 
> I'm not really sure what the heck to look for  since I don't know what is 
> failing, other than  Kopete.

Best bet would probably be to check with the Kopete devs on IRC or mailing list 


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