El Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 10:10:34AM -0400, Thomas Dickey me decía:
> On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 10:24:23AM -0300, Fernando Canizo wrote:
> > Cool, so i can discard that the problem comes from vim + libncurses.
> >
> > In other mails from the thread we've reached to the point of knowing
> > that mutt is reencoding the chars. Since you seem to know about
> > libraries and calls to functions, do you know a method to track this
> > issue? I've been thinking maybe an strace to mutt, but y don't know
> > what to search for, and strace gives lots of info.
> strace gives lots of information, but sometimes you can reduce it by
> looking only at specific calls.  Usually what I'm interested in from
> strace in this type of problem is the exec's and open's it shows.
> I'm not sure what mutt's doing either.  But if it's recoding the information,
> it's doing either via runtime library or via an external program.
> Another tool is ltrace, which would (like strace, a lot of information)
> show the library calls mutt makes.  That's useful in this sense to see
> if it's doing something with iconv.
> > So the question is: what would you do to track this problem?
> I'd probably poke at the strace and ltrace results enough to get a sense
> of generally what it's doing, then grep through mutt's sources to see
> where it's doing _that_.

Well, thank you very much, and everybody else who has replied. Finally
i didn't need do poke through sources. The problem was that since i
change to utf-8 from latin1, my configuration files remained in
latin1, one of them was ~/.muttrc wich contained the first line of
this mail, with the word "decía" encoded in latin1.

So when mutt was compossing the temporal mail in /tmp for vim it found
"decía" and said to itself: "this is latin1, let's encode the rest
with this" and so it re-encoded my already utf-8 chars in utf-8 again.

The solution was to encode ~/.muttrc in utf-8. Also the same effect is
produced with an .alias or .signature file in another encoding, so be
aware! :)

Like i said, i've been through the FAQ, and searched the web using
google, the last thing after the mail from Thomas was narrow my search
using google groups and this string: "utf-8 vim mutt" and it gives 199
hits, from which i've read 50 when the reply come through mutt list. I
think i'm going to edith the mutt faq now since it's in a wiki.

Thank you everybody, i'm in testing mode, but i think this is it, it's
Fernando Canizo - LUGMen: www.lugmen.org.ar - A8N: a8n.lugmen.org.ar
The documentation is in Japanese.  Good luck.
        -- Rich $alz
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