I decided to give thunderbird (and its integrated calendar, lightning) a try 
after having some troubles with kontact corrupting and deleting events on a 
webdav calendar.  I initially tried thunderbird 3.0.4 (which I think didn't 
actually have the calendar integrated--not really significant), and had 
trouble getting TB to display the contents of my email folders on an IMAP 
server.  Most folders showed up empty.  I have about 180 folders with about 
14,000 messages total--the correct folders were shown, just nothing shown in 

After a bit of googling, I found a reference to a bug resembling my problem 
that supposedly was fixed in 3.1.2.  I tried that version without change to 
the problem, and today 3.1.2-r1 with the same result.

My IMAP server is net-mail/courier-imap 4.5.0 on the same host as my 
workstation.  I have no trouble reading folders and their contents with 
kontact 4.4.5/kmail 1.13.5 

I've tried more googling and searching at the mozilla.org site for clues.  
Anyone have any experience with this problem--and perhaps a solution?


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