Apparently, though unproven, at 17:12 on Thursday 09 September 2010, Neil 
Bothwick did opine thusly:

> > It's 130 different configs on 150 machines serving 30 different
> > systems, many of them legacy systems. Management once asked what it
> >
> > will take to unlegacy all of that. They didn't like my answer:
> > 
> >
> > Triple the salary budget
> > Two years.
> If you really wanted it, you could quote lower and then slightly revise
> upwards in light of "unforseen circumstances"... rinse and repeat.

I don't want it.

I like Gentoo in -dev
I will not allow Gentoo anywhere near -prod

This is a very considered decision, as a result of already having to fix (many 
times) the monumental fuck ups that happen when it is done in an environment 
such as this.

Why should I do all the work of pinning packages to known good versions when 
the RHEL devs have already done all the heavy lifting for me?

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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