2010/9/15  <meino.cra...@gmx.de>:
> thank you for your reply and explanations, Jesus! :)

You are welcome. :)

> The problems are nearly gone in the meanwhile: The HAL-flag
> was missing for the xorg-sevrer (1.7), after that mouse was
> recognized and the keyboard was fully functional (with pipes) again.

Yes. 1.7 needs USE=hal to be able to use .fdi based configs. Bear in
mind what I said in the other mail though: in the future hal will be
gone, so save that bookmark for the next time your mouse and keyboard
stop working.

> Fonts: I simply missed to install a couple of fonts. But why they
> was not in my old "world" file...dont know.

Maybe you installed them manually, that's not uncommon when it comes
to fonts. Installing fonts for a given user is a matter of copying
them into ~/.fonts/, some desktops like kde might have GUIs to do the
same task.

Jesús Guerrero Botella

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