   I've been looking at this failure for maybe a week now thinking one
of these days it would get cleaned up on the servers. Is anyone else
seeing it?

firefly ~ # emerge -DuN @world
Calculating dependencies... done!

>>> Verifying ebuild manifests

!!! Digest verification failed:
!!! /usr/portage/kde-base/ark/files/ark-4.4.5-cli7zip.patch
!!! Reason: Failed on RMD160 verification
!!! Got: 285b725e7542b78815f0f909a65b4b6ec20cee89
!!! Expected: 57369a955bff3038ad0c105eea0179bbb795a030
firefly ~ #

   Google isn't turning anything up. Normally these things get cleared
up within about a day but this time around I'm starting to wonder if I
have some other problem here and this is only a symptom?

   I'm sure there's some way I can get past it WRT emerge but I'd
rather get it handled at the source if possible. I though about
deleting things in the path shown above but I haven't ever removed
anything except distfiles and didn't want to start now.

   I can copy files from other systems if that's a good way around the issue.


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