Although we understand your frustration we do not sympathyse becasue we've
all had to learn it.

No it's not a checkbox it's a complie time option; and should be passed when
you compile your code.

like "ls -alh"

GCC only looks difficult because you are new and have not used many other
compilers; you will find and grow to love it if you use gentoo for a while;
it's the most portable, widely used and cheapest compiler out there, we are
lucky the GNU exists, othewise you'd have a crappy compiler from IBM to deal
with. Also it doesn't come with an IDE, but Bluefish works mighty fine for

Some light reading:

You'll soon realize why every gentoo installation is as unique as the person
running it.

If you have not read this already:

Start there, if you are confused or have questions, ask nicely.

Please check the ego and attitude elsewhere.


On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 10:01 AM, James <> wrote:

> Jacob Todd <jaketodd422 <at>> writes:
> > Cross compiling on unix is confusing because the compiler sucks.
> (hmmm, nope you are wrong, and statements like that will get
> you little help....imho
> Some wizards of cross_compiling hang out on gentoo-embedded....
> Display excellent manners and you may get help, real help......
> hth,
> James

Hazen Valliant-Saunders
IT/IS Consultant
(613) 355-5977

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