Andrew Randles wrote:

Hi everyone I was hoping someone would have suggestion for me.

My hard drive was going bad so I bought a new one and put it in. Instead of doing a complete reinstall I used dar and a usb harddrive
to do a backup of the system.  I then used a gentoo live cd (2004.2 or
3) and to get everything setup and copied over.  That worked well and
up until I had to chroot in and take care of the grub setup.

I keep getting glibc errors with "symbol erron" when I try to run
env-update, ls or emerge commands.

When I run grub root (hd0,0) it says no such drive or device.  My
/dev/ folder in the chrooted environment is empty.

The system is a 2.6 kernel with 2.6 headers.  I wonder if maybe I need
an updated cd.

Does anyone else have anymore ideas.

A couple of more steps may be necessary before the chroot. Assuming that your root is mounted on /mnt/root:

cd /mnt/root
mount --bind /dev dev
mount --bind /proc proc
mount --bind /sys sys
chroot ./ ./bin/bash
mount -a # only if /boot is a separate filesystem
grub-install /dev/hda
umount -a # only if /boot is a separate filesystem
umount dev
umount proc
umount sys
cd ..
umount root



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