Paul Hartman <> writes:

> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Harry Putnam <> wrote:
>> I'm also guessing there is some kind of replacement that I need to
>> learn about if it effects my longtime reliance on xorg.conf to keep
>> using my huge desktops I like to use.  For yrs I've
>> used.
>>    Subsection "Display"
>>        Depth       24
>>        Modes       "1280x1024" #"1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
>>        Virtual     2048 1536
>>        ViewPort    0 0
>>    EndSubsection
>> EndSection
>> in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
>> To get a 2048x1536 desktop to flop around on.
>> I've never seen or heard of a way to get that without using xorg.conf.
> I think you would use xrandr to set it, or your desktop environment's
> GUI settings panel (or equivalent).

I may be using xrandr wrong but it doesn't do the trick used like

I'm running an `emerge world' so didn't want to close down X so I used
Ctrl-alt F1 to leave X and then Ctrl-alt F2 to login on a different
virtual terminal.

Then commented out the `Virtual' line in xorg.conf:

    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       24
        Modes       "1280x1024" #"1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
#        Virtual     2048 1536 
        ViewPort    0 0

Then startx on a different display.

  startx -- :1

Once X is up:

  xrandr <no args>
  shows 1280x1024 as being the highest resolution.

  xrandr -s 2048x1536 shows:

  Size  2048x1536 not found in available modes

The xfce display setting tool also shows 1280 as the highest possible

I've asked before where else this might be set... in more than 1
forum.  I think you may find its not all that easy to set a Resolution
way higher than your card supports.

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