On Mon, 01 Aug 2005 18:49:01 -0700
Raymond Lillard wrote:

> I haven't gotten to the audio/video stuff yet.  I'm
>      optimistic though.

So long as you look at the USE flags with a fine tooth comb you will
find a lot of joy in the gentoo multimedia experience. It is (fortunately
IMHO) not bogged down by the desire to keep clear of win32codecs,
libdvdcss and the like.

My gentoo system can play more media files than my win2k system, and
without the annoyances of realplayer or quicktime popping up to tell me
that I can now watch the latest piece of crap that they think i want to

Anyway, my point was that, unlike some other distros where you have to
hunt around for third party implementations in order to watch the dvd
you own, or listen to an mp3, gentoo gives you the choice of including
it right from inside portage.

Nick Rout

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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