On 9 November 2010 23:30, Stroller <strol...@stellar.eclipse.co.uk> wrote:
> On 9/11/2010, at 4:04pm, Alex Schuster wrote:
>> ...
>>> I need to mention here that the machine is a laptop which I use
>>> regularly on train journeys (bumpy ride).  The drive has a Seagate
>>> G-Force Protection™ which is meant to park the head in case of a fall.
>> Which probably would not help in the train, unless you drop it there.
> Further to Alex's comment: the G-Force Protection™ probably parks the head in 
> the event that the laptop goes weightless (a cheap sensor built into the 
> drive would be quite adequate to detect that), but it probably takes half a 
> second to do so. In the case of up and down jolts I'm not sure that it would 
> detect those the same way - maybe it is indeed clever enough to do so, but 
> would it have time to park the head?

Thank you all, I have now completed exhaustive (and exhausting) tests
with memtest86+, memtester and badblocks.  They did not show errors.
So if I am to believe all the results I have gathered the disk and
memory should be OK.

Have you had any problems with this Seagate Momentus 7200?

Have you had any fs corruptions with Reiser4?

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