On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Grant <emailgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Grant, you need to stop being paranoid.  I am surprised you even
>> worked up the courage to let slip on here, in public, that you even
>> have a sooper dooper sekrit project.
> This seems to be the general consensus.  You see, I don't have a
> computer science degree and about 75% of what I know about Linux I
> learned on this list.  Apparently this idea of mine is not a good one.

I don't think it's a bad idea, I can certainly understand your fears.
It may not be a realistic idea to implement, but it's certainly
understandable. Since we have no idea about the nature of your program
or the work that you're hoping to have done it is hard to give any
kind of specific advice. If you're hiring someone to work on one
specific part, you may be able to split that off from the main program
(for example a UI designer or someone writing a file import function,
or whatever). If you're looking for someone to basically take over the
whole project then it'll probably be impossible to hide anything from

I think any kind of owner/manager of a small business who is growing
to the point where 1 guy can't do it all himself anymore has these
same concerns and reservations about letting go some of the control
and trusting another worker to take over a part of it without stealing
or ruining it. Ultimately, I think it comes down to finding someone
that you feel comfortable with and whom you feel is trustworthy. Of
course, check references, check feedback online, etc.

> So it's either trust your coders or do it yourself?  My budget is
> small and the coders I can afford are outside of the US.  I'd be
> working with them via chat, email, or phone.  Should I feel OK about
> turning my source over to them?  Should I only hire coders I can sit
> in the same room with?

Workers sitting in the same room as you can steal your company data
just the same.

I think the odds are in your favor, most people in the world are
honest and hard-working.

Good luck! :)

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