walt wrote:
I've copy/pasted below a new post to the devicekit-devel mail list. I can't
vouch for the accuracy of any of it, but it did catch my attention:


There seems to be a lack of information in a central place about what to
use in place of HAL.

Obviously UPower, udisks and udev are part of this, but they only cover
part of the functionality of HAL, which provided other information and
services in a consistent way.

I've been improving the pages on the FDO wiki to correct this situation,
and I've commandeered http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/DeviceKit to bring together information on how to do various things that used to be done
with HAL.

I've done what I can, so this is a plea for those in the know to check what
I've written and add anything I've missed.



Has anyone replaced hal completely on a KDE system? Any luck? Issues? Downright deal breakers?

May as well include policykit or whatever it is called too?

Just looking ahead a bit here.


:-)  :-)

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