On Aug 2, 2005, at 9:18 PM, Raphael Melo de Oliveira Bastos Sales wrote:

Hey Colin,

I was looking at the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and found these:

LoginGraceTime 600
MaxAuthTries 6

Is the first one what you meant?

The second seems like an attempt to avoid brute force login.

Neither is what I was thinking of, but they're quite similar. LoginGraceTime means if nobody logged in within 10 minutes of the connection being opened, then it will be closed. I don't know exactly what MaxAuthTries does, but I imagine after the sixth invalid login, the connection would be closed.

I found this site, check it out. It's for Red Hat (Gentoo is better!), but it's the same SSHd:

Also, does Grub need any kind of password protection? I don't know if
it was Grub or Lilo that allowed root access unless password
protected. Am I mistaken?

GRUB does have some password protection, but it is optional and only needed IIRC if you want to boot something other than the default entry.

As you can see, I still have a lot to learn. ;)

Me too. I'm waiting for some more hardware to arrive before I connect this server to the networks (it's primarily a NAT gateway with iptables, but also *for the LAN, not the Internet* runs Apache, ProFTPd, SSHd and rsyncd for Portage).
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