On Mon, 13 Dec 2010 00:38:06 +0000
Peter Humphrey <pe...@humphrey.ukfsn.org> wrote:

> On Sunday 12 December 2010 16:09:41 Klaus Müller wrote:
> > Try [installing] a different firefox theme from
> > https://addons.mozilla.org
> But I've already tried a vanilla setup by creating a test
> user, and separately by moving my own .mozilla directory
> elsewhere. In neither case did I have any themes
> installed but I still had no arrow buttons.
> I've now removed all themes from my standard user and
> again I have no arrow buttons. Thanks anyway, but this is
> not a theme problem.

Just a crazy «back to basics» idea: 
Did you try to use the configuration dialog for the Menu
bar / Navigation toolbar / Bookmarks toolbar? If not, please
right mouse click on the «STOP» button, and choose
This opens the «Customize Toolbar» window for the toolbars,
and you can drag and drop the items from this window to the
Do you see the Back- and Forward arrows inside the
«Customize Toolbar» Window? If yes, then just drag-drop them
where you like them. 
Or use the «Restore default set» button.
If the arrows do not appear, I am without any more ideas.


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