
there is a "small" linux distribution (GRML), which I use for rescue
and other purposes. I installed it on a USB-stick.

Furthermore installed in my PC there is a MSI GT430 (nvidia) graphics
card and I use the nvidia-driver in conjunction with xorg 1.9.2.

So far so nice...

The GRML uses the noveau driver as far as I know.

When I boot from my USB-stick I get a very nice high resolution
linux console. It uses vga=791 on the kernel commandline.

When I use the same option with my kernel ( vanilla) it
ends in a console font/resolution which reminds me at the good
old times when 8bit homecomputers were the dream of many people
and PACMAN was top! ;)

I tried "vga=asK" and then "scan" but the highest resolution I was
offered were 80x60 and only VGA-modes, which again looks like the
"high resolution textmode" of my old ATARI 800...and not like that
nice looking console which I get with the same hardware and the GRML

I compared both the kernel config of the GRML distro and my
own but I didn't found nay suspicious (or overlooked something?).

Final question after all there words: How can I get such a high
resolution with this hardware and the nvidia-drivers???

Best regards and a happy new 2011!

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