Yes, it looks like I'm using python 3. I change it to python2.6 and it looks like it's emerge'ing without errors. This should be mentioned in the install documentation. Now do I need to rebuild everything else, emerge --empty-tree, now that I switched python interpreters?

# eselect python list
Available Python interpreters:
  [1]   python2.6
  [2]   python3.1 *



How did you get python3 enabled? It shouldn't be enabled. This from the build:

Many Python modules have not been ported yet to Python 3.*.
Python 3 has not been activated and Python wrapper is still configured to use Python 2.
You can manually activate Python 3.1 using `eselect python set python3.1`.
It is recommended to currently have Python wrapper configured to use Python 2.
Having Python wrapper configured to use Python 3 is unsupported.

The last line is the important part.


:-)  :-)

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