walt wrote:
About three years ago I spent a lot of time on the grub2 mailing list,
building grub2 from their svn repo, even submitting a patch or two to
get it working for the *BSD family.

Then I got old and tired and I settled on gentoo.  I deleted all the
other OS's from my machines, including (especially) Windows -- so I no
longer need to multiboot five different OS's -- and so I lost interest
in the sexy new features of grub2.

Lately, though, I've been using multiple USB sticks, and having them
plugged in at boot-time can confuse legacy grub into booting from the
wrong disk, i.e. not booting at all.  Very annoying.

So, I installed grub-1.98 and I've found that it *does* find partitions
by UUID, and even by LABEL, amongst multiple disks.  Very nifty.

Not so fast, though.  I don't know how to write a grub.conf file that
can tell grub2 how to do that automatically so I don't need to type
commands at the interactive grub2 command prompt.

That's where you testosterone-pumped youngsters (Dale? Volker? Alan?
Neil? Anyone?) can help fix this basically silly problem.

grub2 is enough different from legacy grub to make the learning curve
very steep -- but I'm only about half-way up the curve and I'm fading
fast.  (I usually unplug the offending USB stick and reboot :)

If anyone here is interested enough to spend some real time and effort
on grub2, I can offer a few pointers, but I'm not willing to do the real
grunt work myself.

Hm, sunset.  Off to bed :)

I have not tried grub2 yet but I did fine these:


That has a lot of info on the grub2 conf file. It is called grub.cfg if I read that correctly. There is a lot of info there. Seems a bit complicated since I don't have it installed and can really follow what they mean on things. This next one is a bit more basic tho:


This one seems to have a example and not quite so complicated.


Does those help any?


:-) :-)

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