On 01/09/2011 11:07 AM, walt wrote:

NOTE: I can't recall exactly why but the ata* modules conflict with some
other modules, so *don't use them* unless you know what you are doing.

NOTE: if grub2 names your disks (ataN,N) instead of (hdN,N) that means
you are using the ata* grub2 modules -- I haven't figured out how to make
that configuration work yet.

I believe the ata*.mods conflict with biosdisk.mod.  The biosdisk.mod is
accepting what the BIOS announces about the drives, but ata.mod is probing
the hardware directly instead of listening to the BIOS.  I think.

Anyway after removing biosdkisk.mod, the ata.mod works very well (but
doesn't find any USB sticks, which are not ATA devices.  I think :)

BTW, the 'search' command (in the grub2 shell) will do the following:

search -l BOOT -s root

"search -l BOOT" finds the disk label of my /boot partition, which happens
to be "BOOT" in my case, and the "-s root" sets the shell variable 'root'
to point at the /boot partition, which happens to be (hd1,5) in my case.

In other words, that search command does at boot time what this menu item
"root (hd1,5)" does, but I don't need to know the (hd1,5) in advance, I
only need to know the disk label "BOOT" and grub2 will go find it in real

Now I just need to look up what to put in grub.conf to make it automatic.

You guys may be losing interest in grub2, but I'm having fun, so...

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