
My thumbdrive has been mounting fine, but recently it started mounting
with strange characters in it's name. 

I'm using pcmanfm inside of awesome wm. I have the latest stable
xorg-server compiled with udev. My thumbdrive mounts as /media/

I can't copy+paste the symbols (although I tried, but mutt/vim doesn't
show them). It's difficult to explain, but it looks like the characters 
000E inside of a 1 pixel stroke square box. inside the terminal it 
appears as a question mark. ie. /media/?

I've tried to write a udev rule to combat this, but to no avail. These
are the rules I've tried. The drive is /dev/sdf1, and it's
product is "Cruzer Titanium+"

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", KERNEL=="sd?1", NAME="usb/flashdisk",  SYMLINK="usb%k"

I've also tried this.
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", KERNEL=="sd[a-z]1", ATTRS{product}=="Cruzer Titanium+", 
NAME="usb/flashdisk", SYMLINK="%k"

 I found it very difficult to research the proper syntax for udev. A lot 
of the examples on the net are outdated. 

Any advice or pointers would be most appreciated. 

Thanks for your time,

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