On 15:16 Tue 01 Feb     , Dale wrote:
> I also googled a bit and it does appear that the booting check resets 
> the counter.  At least that was what one poster said.  May not be the 
> case now but thought I would mention it.

Yep, the check at boot that gets executed after the specified maximum
mount count has been reached definitely resets the mount count to 0
again, I've probably witnessed that millions of times myself in my
life. ;-)

Observation(tm): From the e2fsck man page: "e2fsck -p: Automatically
repair ("preen") the file system. This option will cause e2fsck to
automatically fix any filesystem problems that can be safely fixed
without human intervention. [...] This option is normally run by the
system's boot scripts".

The "-p" option to e2fsck acutually resets the mount count back to 0,
even when executed manually (and not as part of a script at boot time).


Nils Holland * Ti Systems, Wunsorf-Luthe (Germany)
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