On Sun, 20 Feb 2011 10:33:52 -0500, David Relson wrote:

> As  background information, in /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules is: 
>     KERNEL=="sd*1", ATTRS{manufacturer}=="PNY", SYMLINK+="PNY",
> RUN+="/bin/mount -a"
> and in /etc/fstab is:
>     /dev/PNY /mnt/pny vfat rw,nosuid,auto 0 0

Could the delay be caused by something else is fstab trying to mount
and failing? Try with mount /dev/PNY instead of mount -a.

Even better use pmount /dev/PNY.

Either way, you should run the command with & because udev blocks while
running commands.

Neil Bothwick

And what else floats.....?

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