kashani wrote:
On 3/24/2011 10:19 AM, Dale wrote:

I have never used LVM but when it messes up after a upgrade, as has
happened to many others, see if you say the same thing. I hope your
backups are good and they can restore.


Meh, boot a liveCD and fix it which took all of 15 minutes. I don't see that as a failing of LVM, but of Gentoo for lack of another culprit. You can only roll your OS forward in so many ways before you have to do a little offline plumbing. May as well complain that you had to shutdown your machine to put in more RAM.


I researched using LVM a good while back. The reason I didn't was what I posted. It is prone to problems that are difficult if not impossible to correct. I may not have data that is worth much but I don't want to loose it either way.

People that have read these posts can't plead ignorance.

Good luck.


:-)  :-)

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