> > Understood and agreed. For OO I couldn't quite get up the interest to
> > start building from scratch though. Something like 450MB of things to
> > download and then what, do it again in a week or two? Not worth it for
> > my needs.

Did you delete the source out of your /usr/portage/distfiles directory? If
not, it will still be there and you wont have to download it again.

> That shouldn't be a problem with the release frequency of OOo, with LO
> that's more of a problem.
> At least with OOo/LO you get a better program for the effort of
> compiling, the open source version of VirtualBox is crippled :(
> FWIW I hit an unresolved build bug in OO (which had previously built ok, so
was triggered by an update in another package), so I switched to LO which
didnt have the issue.

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