Peter Humphrey wrote:

I'm just speculating at the moment, from a dabbler's point of view; what 
would accrue from switching from RAID-1 to RAID-5 or above? And, in particular,
what are the comparative virtues of the Samsung disks?

I have one 750Gb Samsung drive that I have had at least a year. So far, no problems and it is pretty fast. It does what it is supposed to for a 3Gbs/sec drive. That said, it may die next week. We all know how this works. They work just fine until they die, usually with no warning or very little warning.

I might also add, I have a UPS and surge protection coming from the wall, plus surge and voltage protection built into the UPS. I have yet to have a drive die so maybe all that does help. I dunno.

I have several Western Digital drives, no problems so far although I don't like the green ones to much.

Just my $0.02 worth.


:-)  :-)

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