On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Lorenzo Marussi <i...@lorenzomarussi.it> wrote:
> Hello,
> thank you for your reply,
> I check that I didn't mixed QT version,
> first I tried with 4.7.2, than I unmerged all qt packages  and I tried 4.7.3
> .
> every time after emerging I checked system consistency with revdep-rebuild.
> Now I unmerged all, emerged all QT packages (4.72) with "debug" use, but I
> haven't got any other message than:


The debug USE flag is for enabling debug features in a package, not
really the same thing I was talking about. In /etc/make.conf you need
to change your CFLAGS to include -ggdb and reduce optimization to -O1.
Then you need to add "nostrip" into your FEATURES, otherwise that
debugging data would get stripped as part of the install process of

After you made those changes, emerge anything that you want to get a
backtrace from. Now you should be able to see better info when it
crashes, run it in gdb and see source code line numbers and all the
good stuff like that. :)

If the crashes get to a place where you don't have debug info, if it
is crashing in another dependency perhaps, you might need to emerge
other packages with the debugging info as well. Maybe glibc...

For more information please read this page:

I hope that helped. Good luck!

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