On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 10:50:03AM +0200, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Thu, 12 May 2011 10:51:32 -0400, Indi wrote:
> > > If it's as good as everyone says, what more support did it need? Did
> > > the KDE guys come knocking on your door to remove it, or do it
> > > remotely (Android anyone?), or did it just keep working?
> > That argument is probably valid when limiting the scope of the
> > discussion to gentoo, but the only use I ever had for kde3 was 
> > for non-techie users who wouldn't know whether to poop or go 
> > blind if they click on something and nothing happens
> So install a distro that still supports KDE3 if that's what you want or
> need. KDE 3.5.10 is still there, it hasn't been withdrawn from the
> shelves. You're hardly likely to use Gentoo for such users, so lack of
> core support for 3.5 in Gentoo is not an issue either.

I was just sharing my opinion, which was informed by my 
experience. I'm surprised by the vehemence and persistence 
of (apparently) political rhetoric in response to that.
Obviously the solutions look really simple and matter-of-fact 
a year and a half later. The options were rather different 
while it was actually going on, and all one has to do is STFW 
to see that many people went through much distress over it.

Frankly, I am not a fan of the "shoot the messenger" approach
to dealing with bad news, especially as I really don't feel 
I've said anything but the truth of my own experience. OK I'm 
opinionated, but that opinion is backed by experience - that 
makes it "anecdotal experience", something big corporations spend big
money to compile so they can tune and shape their ideas. The message 
I'm getting is kde guys do not want any anecdotal experience unless 
it is glowing praise or perhaps minor suggestions, so I will not speak
on it anymore. 

Employing all that sort of rhetoric has the effect of making 
discussion uncomfortable and restrictive, which I suppose is 
the idea. Personally, I do not wish to say any more on the matter, 
except to note that the sort of response I've encountered does 
not inspire hope for the future of kde. :(

And with that, I am "out" on this subject, so if someone now 
needs to shame me and put me in my place again that's fine, 
and I will not respond so you'll have the last word. Just 
know that I do not subscribe to all that shame-based grandstanding 
silliness, so it's pretty much wasted on me. 

No hard feelings, I understand we all have our burdens in life. 

caveat utilitor 
♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ 

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