On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 09:00:02PM +0200, Willie Wong wrote:
> On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 12:01:20PM -0400, Indi wrote:
> > Sounds like the old "6 of one, a half-dozen of the other" to me...
> > What makes the subtractive method better?
> > 
> This is how I interpret Alan's message:
> For certain flags when you enable it for a package you will have to
> also enable it for its dependencies. So you'll have to chase down the
> dependency tree if you enable a flag for a user package and several of
> the libraries it uses need the flag too, which may end up requiring
> doing several emerge --pretend cycles to sort out.
> Whereas if you subtract functionality, you usually won't have to
> change the libraries. (The corollary being that if you are going to
> remove functionality from the libraries, you should do so by globally
> removing the use flag, rather than on the package level.)

Well perhaps it's nitpicking, but I like my systems as lean as possible.
I almost never emerge anything without -av options, just so I can say
"no" and edit package.use if need be. It rarely causes more than a few 
extra seconds to be consumed, since my needs don't change terribly often.
Depends on how one uses the system, I suppose...

caveat utilitor 
♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ 

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