Neil Bothwick wrote:

Or you can do it automatically with
qpkg -I -nc -v | while read p; do
       touch --no-create $PKGDIR/$p.tbz2
       touch --no-create $PKGDIR/All/$(basename $p).tbz2
find $PKGDIR ! -mtime +1 -exec rm "{}" \;

Since qpkg is being phased out, I guess the equery way to do this is:

equery -C l 2> /dev/null | grep / | while read p; do
   touch --no-create $PKGDIR/$p.tbz2
   touch --no-create $PKGDIR/All/$(basename $p).tbz2
find $PKGDIR ! -mtime +1 -exec rm "{}" \;

Right?  qpkg is a lot faster, though.

"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate" - W. of O.

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