On 05/19/2011 01:38 AM, Valmor de Almeida wrote:
> On 05/18/2011 09:50 AM, Albert Hopkins wrote:
>> On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 22:48 -0400, Valmor de Almeida wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> What controls the screen output to an external monitor connected to a
>>> laptop during boot or when just using a plain console without an X
>>> server running? Before a recent update the output would just
>>> automatically go to an external monitor when one is connected. Now it
>>> does not; not sure it has anything to do with the openrc migration.
>> I think it largely depends on the particular hardware config.  For my
>> laptop it's a BIOS option.
>> If you are using KMS however it seems to want to drive all outputs with
>> a monitor attached.
> I neglected to mention that the external monitor is connected through a
> dock base. Actually I should test whether the external monitor works as
> before by connecting it directly on the vga port on the laptop...
> --
> Valmor

The solution was on the BIOS setting. Using the option: Analog (VGA)
shows the boot messages on the external monitor and on the laptop lcd.
Also without the external monitor attached, the boot messages show on
the laptop lcd when the Analog options is selected. I added the KMS
option i915.modeset=1 as a grub boot option but don't know if this helps
or not.


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