When doing an update using the -l option of emerge, eg:

  emerge -uDNl world

The ChangeLog entries that are displayed seem buggy to me. For example, sometimes a whole page worth of changes from a single ChangeLog is displayed, containing entries for ebuilds older than what is currently installed. Some other times it's less dramatic, but still contains stuff that should not show up.

The above seems to be the norm rather than the exception. For example, right now I'm doing an update from llvm-2.9-r1 to llvm-2.9-r2, and emerge prints:


  23 May 2011; Bernard Cafarelli <voyag...@gentoo.org> +llvm-2.9-r2.ebuild,
  Fix header for gcc 4.6, bug #365925

  21 Apr 2011; Fabian Groffen <grob...@gentoo.org> llvm-2.9-r1.ebuild,
  Fix broken reference that I missed yesterday

  20 Apr 2011; Fabian Groffen <grob...@gentoo.org> llvm-2.9-r1.ebuild,
  Fix install_name_tooling

Is this normal?  Bug?

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