Allan Gottlieb writes:

> emerge complains that icu (details below) will overwrite files that MAY
> belong to other packages.  But in fact none do.  The suggestion is to
> ignore the collisions.  Does that mean I should simply rm the files
> before retrying the emerge?

Yes. If you think these files might be important, then you could back them 
up first. Apparently they belong to the icu stuff you are going to remerge 
anyway, so deleting should be safe I think. But it's strange that those 
files do not belong to any package.

Instead of removing them it would be easier to set FEATURES to -collision-
protect. And with FEATURES=keepwork you will not have to recompile icu. So, 
I would do this:

FEATURES="-collision-protect keepwork" emerge -1a  dev-libs/icu

Remember that you have to delete stuff in /var/tmp/portage/dev-
libs/icu-4.6.1 manually afterwards.


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