On Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 10:27:48AM +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> Believe it or not you are supposed to "make invisible" all the junk the app 
> created.

Well, once you get some of the amazingly bone-headed defaults corrected 
tbird is pretty nice -- for people with eagle eyes who don't need an
integrated addressbook function, which describes no-one I know....

After much googling the conclusion is many many people are desperately 
unhappy about the fonts in tbrd and incredibly, it ain't fixable!
Hard-coded font sizes -- isn't that, like, retardn00b mistake #4?

Another giant, glaring flaw: Doesn't appear to be any addressbook
integration whatsoever that I can find, so it's necessary to pretend 
it's the 80s and remember the ancient practice of clunkily, manually 
C & P from the *separate* addressbook. Jeeeezus, and people think mutt 
is barebones, LOL (address autocompletion Just Works in mutt). 

I've already got a whopper of an eyestrain headache just from
testing it.

Tbird dismissed, not a realistic option.
My users will bitch a blue streak over the lack of address autocomplete, 
god forbid they should have to type anything longer than "OMGLOL"...

klaatu virada nicto

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