Daniel D Jones <ddjones <at> riddlemaster.org> writes:

> media-gfx/graphviz-2.26.3-r2 fails to compile because:

try this  and then study the results for clues:
equery depgraph --depth=1 graphviz
       <search for pkgs one level deep
       < that graphviz needs to compile

> I've reemerged jpeg, run revdep-rebuild, etc.  I've scoured the web and found 
> a number of issues and bugs related to the libjpeg.la file but none of them 
> offer a solution which works for me.  Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

First you have to use the tools, such as equery to discern
hints as to your compilation issue(s).

Then try things like this:
        emerge dev-util/lafilefixer ; lafilefixer --justfixit
        revdep-rebuild -- --keep-going

Lafilefixer is on the way to being deprecated so 
make sure you have recently sync the system and performed
updates to all of your software.

Other times package get orphaned and leave fragments of files
around. Read up on eclean.

[1] http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Gentoo_maintenance

Good hunting,

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