Per-Erik Westerberg wrote:

Well, issuing "eselect" lists "rc" as a module and "man rc.eselect"
gives you a list of actions to use and their description :

        rc.eselect - Runlevel configuration module

        eselect rc [help|usage|version]
        eselect rc add script [runlevel...]
        eselect rc delete script [runlevel...]
        eselect rc list [runlevel]
        eselect rc pause script [script...]
        eselect rc restart script [script...]
        eselect rc show [runlevel...]
        eselect rc start script [script...]
        eselect rc stop script [script...]

   ;) / Per-Erik

I looked on but I couldn't find it documented there. I found eselect itself but nothing on the rc part. I was curious as to where the OP found it or if we have a user who actually read a man page first. O_O Imagine that. lol

I'm glad you posted the rc.eselect man page tho. I didn't know about that. Now I can go dig out the others and read up on them too.

Where did our OP go anyway?


:-)  :-)

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