On Sunday 26 Jun 2011 19:09:40 Albert Hopkins wrote:
> On Sunday, June 26 at 18:28 (+0100), Mick said:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > I was trying to record my desktop using:
> > 
> > ffmpeg -f x11grab -s xga -r 25 -i :0.0 -aspect 4:3 /tmp/out.mpg
> > 
> > but the result is rather blurred as you can see in the attached
> > screenshot, when I play it with mplayer.
> > 
> > Is there some other option (codec) I should add to improve the quality of
> > the captured image?
> Try passing "-sameq"
> -a

WOW!  Exceptional improvement in a single stroke!  Thanks!  :)

Why is it that ffmpeg degrades the quality with default settings?  What does 
it assume that the setting is? (sorry for the newbie Qs, but this area is 
until now outside my cognitive map! ;-)

Thank you both for your suggestions.  The recordmydesktop looks good, but I am 
not sure if I will have to transcode it to make sure that it would also work 
for MSWindows users?  Is ogg MSWindows 'compatible'?

Now, I hope I'm not getting greedy, but how do I add voice recording to the 
above stanza?  Or do I have to record voice and then package it along with the 
video in a container as a separate step?

Once I achieve that how can I go back and edit the voice part?

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