Michael George <george <at> mutualdata.com> writes:

> > http://localhost:631/

> 1.4.7.  I have "Show printers shared by other systems" enabled.  I
> notice that there is no more avahi USE flag for 1.4.  I had that enabled
> for 1.3 and the Macs found the printer automagically.

OK so I'm no cups whiz, but, you may want to use the  localhost
access from a web browser to cups on one of your macs and get printing 
working on that one particular mac. Then either copy the files to the 
other macs or individually set up printing from each system. Over the
last year, cups has seem to be a bit flaky and I just find it easier
to set up printing again rather than debuging the numerous issues
with cups. netprint/HPlip solves many problem with HP printers and 
cups. I have no idea if other software is needed to compliment cups
for brands of printers that are not HP.

I have no idea why the printing access stop working, but, the
above suggestion should result in a fix for printing from your macs.


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