On Thursday, July 7 at 23:30 (+0100), john said:

> On Thu, 07 Jul 2011 17:26:18 -0400

> Have cleared up error messages using config as suggested.
> I still get the issue when starting /etc/init.d/libvirtd
> >  * Starting libvirtd ...
> > /usr/sbin/libvirtd: error: Unable to initialize network sockets.
> > Check /var/log/messages or run without --daemon for more info.
> >  * start-stop-daemon: failed to start
> > `/usr/sbin/libvirtd'                [ !! ]
> >  * ERROR: libvirtd failed to start

You'll have to turn up the logging level of libvirt (to find out exactly
what it's trying to do and where it's erroring out).

> BUT when i start /usr/sbin/libvirtd from command line virt-manager now
> works. It lets me create vms (yippee)
> I was unaware that libvirtd was a separate package (thought it was part
> of virt-manager. After reading your hints it dawned on me that is was
> seaparate so have enabled more use flags. I should check more carefully
> the output of emerge -vp.

libvirt (not libvirtd) is a seperate package, it (possibly) contains a
number of things, including

libvirt: the C library that allows you to manage many different types of
virtualization platforms using a common API.
Python bindings for the above
A command-line and shell interface (called virsh)
libvirtd, which is a daemon helper used to manage virtualization
platforms which don't have their own management service (such as kvm).

virt-manager, is a seperate product.  It is a GUI interface written in
python that is used to talk to manage different types of virtualization
platforms.  It uses libvirt (its python bindings) to do this.  Think of
it as a GUI version of virsh.

But you don't need virt-manager to use libvirt, and you don't even need
libvirtd to use libvirt (e.g. you are interfacing with Xen or VMware

That's why I was trying to say it's good for you to figure out what you
are trying to do, before you go through the trouble of figuring out how
to solve a problem that doesn't even pertain to you and could have been
avoided altogether just by choosing the right combination of USE flags.

If you are just wanting have a GUI for Xen, for example, you don't even
need to worry about libvirtd.  If, for example, you are using KVM but
you want the VMs to bridge off a physical interface and have no need for
"virtual networks", then you don't even need the virt-net USE flag.
> Anyway I am up and running with a big thanks to yourself and will have
> a closer look at the service another day.


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