Jesús J. Guerrero Botella wrote:
2011/7/11 Dale<>:
Dale wrote:
Bill Kenworthy wrote:
On Mon, 2011-07-11 at 00:03 -0500, Dale wrote:
Mark Knecht wrote:
Hi Dale, not quite the same but something else to check - after my
6monthly update round, I had two systems where FF refused to run - just
flashed up died.  Erase .mozilla allowed one restart where I got a
window, any attempt to configure it killed FF.

This is on gnome, not KDE so while symptoms differ, it may still be the
same root cause - some of the underlying packages needed rebuilding - it
was (maybe) nss and dev-lang/spidermonkey.  Sorry, had a lot going on so
cant be more specific - it was strace that tipped me off (how I cant


I'm going to try a clean directory for it here in a minute.  I'm going to
back up my whole home directory for good measure.

I'm not holding my breath but I'll cross my fingers just in case.


:-)  :-)

OK.  This is better. It seems to work.  Can someone explain how a bad config
file in Firefox can cause a kernel panic?  I thought things like this was
not possible?  This sounds so windowish.  o_O
We already explained you above in the other thread. That shouldn't be
possible in a sane system. You haven't found the root of the problem,
just the way to avoid it. The problem is in either the kernel (or one
of its modules) or the hardware. Firefox (or any other userland
program) has not the power to do this if the kernel doesn't allow it
or a hardware failure doesn't screw up something.

Then I ask again, how does it do it? I have opened things, even things I have NEVER opened before, and the only program that causes this that I can find is Firefox. Is there something in the kernel that Firefox uses that nothing else does and that thing is broken? If not, then it is something besides the kernel. I have no idea myself what it is.

Might I add, Firefox has been running since before my last message last night. No problems at all. I was sort of careful to try one thing at a time whenever possible. The only thing I did this last time was to start with a empty Firefox directory. Nothing else changed.

Still open to ideas tho.


:-)  :-)

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