>>>        Next I'd look at tuning your Mysql config. If you've never touched
>>> my.cnf, by default it's set to use 64MB IIRC. You may need to raise this
>>> to
>>> get better performance. key_buffer and innodb_buffer_pool_size are the
>>> only
>>> two I'd modify without knowing more.
>> I use the default MyISAM tables and it looks like there are three
>> key_buffer definitions in my.cnf.  One under [mysqld] is 16M, one
>> under [isamchk] is 20M, and one under [myisamchk] is 20M.  All
>> defaults.  Should I increase them all to 64M?
>        You can, but [mysqld] is the only one that matters for normal
> production. Depends on the size of your data and tables, but 64M is fine to
> start. If you've got a few GB in your databases I'd go with 256-512M or as
> high as you think you can get away with.
>        Any reason you're still using MyISAM tables? Innodb is almost as fast
> or much much faster than MyISAM in nearly every way these days.

Can multiple processes be utilized for mysql like they are for
apache2?  Perhaps not since it's a database?

- Grant

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