>> Its more how much i/o rather than the size. If you have a bunch of
>> stuff swapped out, but it hardly ever needs to be swapped in, the
>> impact will be low.
>> Keep an eye on the use with vmstat;
>> adam@rix ~ $ vmstat 5
>> procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system--
>> ----cpu----
>>  r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us
>> sy id wa
>>  0  0  56700 351244  79564 207848    0    0     3     3   11    7  1
>> 0 99  0
>>  0  0  56700 351244  79564 207848    0    0     0     8   52   27  0
>> 0 100  0
>>  0  0  56700 351244  79564 207848    0    0     0     0   45   14  0
>> 0 100  0
>>  0  0  56700 351244  79564 207848    0    0     0     0   47   17  0
>> 0 100  0
>> from the man page;
>>    Swap
>>        si: Amount of memory swapped in from disk (/s).
>>        so: Amount of memory swapped to disk (/s).
> Exactly!  My system is the same way.
> Right now I've got a 4GB system that's using 708MB swap.  But vmstat
> isn't showing any swap activity.  Why?  Because some processes that I'm
> not aware about because I'm obviously not using, got swapped out a long
> time ago, and Linux is using that reclaimed RAM to compile chromium ;)
> If/when I need part of that 708MB becomes active, Linux will swap it
> back in in one short burst that I doubt that I'll even notice.

Then why not have a really big swap file?  If swap is useful as a
second layer of caching behind RAM, why doesn't everyone with some
extra hard drive space have a 100GB swap file?

- Grant

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