On Friday 22 July 2011 16:39:41 Sebastian Beßler did opine thusly:
> Am 22.07.2011 15:13, schrieb Volker Armin Hemmann:
> > maybe it is not KDE's fault when firefox is badly coded?
> Lets think.
> KDE4+Firefox = X hangs and firefox can't be killed
> XFCE4+Firefox = no problems
> Sure, it has to be firefox
> Oh and a test 20 minutes ago showed
> KDE4+Chromium = X hangs and chromium can't be killed
> XFCE4+Chromium = no problems
> It looks like there is a pattern but I could be wrong.

It may look like KDE is the likely culprit based on just the 
information you provide, but I would be more inclined to look at 
browser plugins first, concentrating on those with both Firefox and 
Chromium versions from the same developer team.

FF, Chromium, KDE, XFCE are all large projects with large userbases. 
The odds of dumbass bugs remaining in the code tends to decrease with 
such projects. Compare that to niche plugins which do not have the 
same eyeball visibility.

There could be a cornercase bug in KDE that only shows up on your 
specific combination, or maybe there is some edge KDE app you use that 
disagrees with violently with FF. Or maybe it's the video driver that 
doesn't actually do what it tells KDE it can do (remember the 
painfully slow nVidia drivers with early KDE4?)

The point I'm making is that your data set and initial conclusions 
appear far too simplistic and have not taken the real world into 

You have a mere correlation, you cannot conclude causation from that 
data yet.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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